Boho Wall Decor. Tapestries, contemporary photography and prints for your bedroom and living room wall decor

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ― Pablo Picasso

Thoughtfully curated unique photography + art + things from around the world.

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Art for Everyone

Kids Room Wall Art

Kids Room Wall Art

Wall art is the perfect way to customize your kids' room decor,... 

Environmental Activism

Buy One - Plant One

Our printing partner supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, recognized by 1% for the Planet, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.With the help from our partners & friends at Trees for the Future, our donations will plant trees with rural communities in the developing world, enabling them to restore their environment, grow more food, and build a more sustainable future.

Bohemian Estates

Free Shipping on Orders Over $150

Releasing a new collection every month

We enable our customers to fully express themselves and be apart from the rest.

Handmade Only and High-Quality Materials

We collaborate with artisan collectives around the world to help preserve their handcraft traditions.

Pay Monthly for Your Purchase

Pay back the loan in monthly installments and prepay at any time without penalty.

About Us
  • Bohemian Estates

    Premium photography, fine art curated by Bohemian Estates, created by artists from around the world. High Quality artworks. Unique Fine Art phtotography, art and vintage posters. Produced in the USA and Canada.

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    Shipped Fast and Flexible worldwide!

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  • About

    Many of our pieces are handmade to order and can be fully customized

    We focus on timeless designs, lovingly crafted from high quality materials.

    Our pieces are inspired by global cultures & landscapes.